So this idea I actually saw on pinterest, and loved the look of the hanging frames, and had to recreate it for our guest room. My husband and I actually went on a hike at Umstead Park, where we found lots of different leaf options for this project. My hope is to actually recreate this once the leaves start changing, and make some for downstairs as fall decor :) Theres not a whole lot to this project, but I think projects that are easy to create, but add so much flare, are some of the best.


- Hanging frames (I got mine from Michaels, but World Market has some nice ones too)
- Large book(s)
- Tissue Paper
- Leaves, flowers, or whatever you'd like in the frames


This project is pretty simple. You can take the tissue, and put the leaves/flowers/plants between two pieces, and stick those in the books. Add some weight and let them press between the books for at least 24 hours. You may end up needing longer, but you can judge it by when the plant is completely dry. (Careful, once dry they will be extremely fragile.

From there, you can arrange them in your frames however you'd prefer. - and voila', you're done! and they are ready to hang.