I had seen a bunch of super cute cozy coup makeovers on pinterest, and loved all of the finished products so much, so I knew I just had to do one myself.
We found a hand-me-down cozy coup from a friend, which we were super appreciative of. I was nervous to paint a brand new one, incase it didn't work out.
I had so much fun with this project and I think the finished product turned out so good.
Materials I used:
- A cozy coup (obviously)
- Matte Spray paint (I used this pink color and this white)
- Painters tape
- Spray paint sealer (like this one)
- Chrome trim molding (I used this one)
- Optional: wood for VW emblem and license plate (I got mine from Michaels)
- Optional: Cricut - to cut emblem and license plate text
To start out, I painted the base color. I taped off the areas I knew I wanted to be white. This may not actually be necessary since you'll end up painting the trim color on top anyway, but I was worried about too many layers of spray paint causing peeling, so I taped it off with painters tape so it looked like this:

Then I spray painted the whole thing with the matte pink spray paint. (Dont forget to also cover your wheels! I put grocery bags over them). I ended up doing about 3 coats of spray paint to get the coverage I wanted.
Then it looked like this:

After it dried completely (I waited overnight) I peeled off all of the tape, so I could start lining the top to be painted. Unfortunately, I only got one picture of how I did the trim. I used plastic drop sheets to line the area of trim I was painting. I'd use the painters tape to stick on one edge of the drop sheet, and then attach it lining the parts I wanted to paint, so that the parts I wanted to keep pink, were covered by the drop sheet.
Here is a picture of the front trim taped off using a piece of the drop sheet. I repeated this process for the other trim on the sides and back, and the seat.

Keep in mind that your lines don't need to be perfect, and its okay if the paint smudges or runs a little bit. The beauty of adding the chrome trim, is that it covers all of those imperfections :)
See mine below, I didn't even spend time trying to ensure the pink and white lined up perfectly, and there were lots of imperfections in the lines, but they all ended up covered anyway.
(note, in this picture I had done white trim all the way across the bottom, but I ended up not liking that since a typical VW Bus only had bumpers on the front and back, so I ended up painting back over part of that bottom trim)

Once you're done with all of the painting, you can spray on your sealer and let it dry. From there its all just accents. The chrome trim is already sticky on one side. (super sticky, so don't place it until you're sure) But I simply lined the areas where pink met white with the chrome trim molding.

Additionally, I painted the top pieces white, and sealed them off with the spray paint sealer before reattaching to the car.
The rest of the accents are totally optional based on your preference. I have a cricut vinyl cutting machine, so I used that to cut some vinyl to spray paint a VW emblem. You may be able to find one on amazon as well. But for me, I grabbed a wood circle from Michaels, painted it black, and then painted chrome spray paint over the cricut printed emblem.
I also added a few other small details such as the license plate and daisy on the steering wheel. But all of these are completely optional, so if you don't have a cricut, I also think the car looks so cute as is, without these added things.
But that is pretty much it! There are so many other cute ideas on pinterest, I will definitely be making another one in the future, or for the next little baby :)
If you make one - please send me a picture, I'd love to see other's finished products!
