Bathroom countertop clutter

Nothing can change the feel of a room quicker than decluttering a counter top. I mean think about it, one of the first things you see when you walk into almost any bathroom, is the countertop/sink area. I don't know about you, but clutter stresses me out. And the last thing we want our guests, or more importantly, ourselves, to feel while we enjoy a nice bath, or wake up in the morning, is stress.

In this post, I am outlining some ways I have decluttered our bathroom area, while also adding a nice center piece to our large empty bathroom counter.

When starting out any type of table top or counter top decor, I always like to start with a base piece that will pull it all together and contain all of the other pieces, something like a basket, or tray. Almost like a centerpiece holder if you will. For me, it helps bring together all of the pieces as a unit, rather than just several items sitting in the same space. Here are some trays/baskets I love, as well as some I have used for other table/counter tops in our house:

Up next, is the functional decor, aka the items that will actually serve as your decluttering/organization. For me, I chose a couple glass canisters, to hold q-tips and cotton swabs - things that look nice through glass :)

And then a metal canister to hold the random other items we had on the counter that you don't necessarily want on display, but still want easily accessible - like tweezers, bobby pins, clips, hair ties, comb etc. Here's some nice options for storage:

And lastly, in my opinion, no center piece is complete without some greenery and a candle :)